American Eskimo Dog
American Eskimo Dog additional photo
American Eskimo Dog additional photo
American Eskimo Dog additional photo

American Eskimo Dog

Friendly, Alert, Reserved, Intelligent, Protective, Affectionate, Couch, Gentle, Loves, Velcro Dog, Friendly, Playful, Loves Kisses, Loyal, Loves Treats, Sweet, Smart, Funny, Quiet, Nervous, Only Dog, Shy, Scared, No Other Dogs, Wiggly, Silly, Curious, Brave, Athletic, Superb Temperament, ALWAYS Smiling, Easy Going Low Key, Well Mannered House Boy, House Trained, Crate Trained, GREAT W Dogs, Good W Cats, Loooooves Children, EXQUISITE, BEST Of Show, Dignified, Independent, Friendly Cuddles Playful High Enegy Good Recal, Dog Friendly, Adventurous, Goofy, Communicative, Enthusiastic, Snuggly, Food Motivated, Sentinel, Alpha, Watchful, Cautious, Guarded, Protector, Leader, Big Daddy, Farm Or Ranch, Protective, Skeptical, Sane, Senior Citizens, Easy To Groom, Warms Up Quickly, Good Manners, Watcher, Guarding, Reactive, Frightened, Distrustful, Sensitive, Fast, Zoomy, Needs Grooming, Traumatized, Skittish, Treat Motivated, Project, Rehabilitation, Active, Zoomie, Spunky, Alert, Sensible, Submissive, Timid, Anxious, Loves Other Dogs, Spooky, Dependent, Wimpy, Temperamental, Biter, Loves Attention, Special Needs Scared Of New People, Loves kisses, Couch potato, Wary, skeptical, runner, Escapist, Snippy, Prefers Women, Nipper, Hates Grooming, Hikes, Walks


20 - 40 lbs


15 - 19 inches

Life Span

12 - 15 years

Breed Group


Bred For

Circus performer




Good with Children5/5
Good with Other Dogs5/5
Energy Level5/5
Grooming Needs4/5

Estimated Costs

Annual estimates

Veterinary Care

Annual Checkup$50
Dental Care$400
Emergency Fund$1500

Food & Nutrition

Monthly Cost$45
Recommended Food Types
  • Premium Dry Kibble



Every 4-6 weeks


Puppy Classes$300
Private Sessions$800

Other Expenses

Pet Insurance$40/month
Initial Supplies$300

Cost Information Sources:

  • American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) annual reports
  • Leading pet insurance providers' data analysis
  • AKC breed-specific care guidelines and recommendations
  • Professional breeder and veterinarian consultations

Note: Costs may vary based on location, specific healthcare needs, and individual circumstances.