Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Affectionate, Devoted, Alert, Companionable, Intelligent, Active, Affectionate, Friendly, Couch, Funny, Gentle, Playful, Loves, Loyal, Smart, Independent, Energy Moderate, Okay in Apartment or Condo, Size Small fifteen to twenty nine lbs, Single Dog Home, Housetrained, Not Good with Cats, Good with Kids, Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Heartworm Negative, Shy, Protective, Athletic, Adoption Fee two hundred, People friendly, Good with other dogs, Fenced yard physical, Adult Only Home Preferred, Fearful Shy, Needs Calm Home, Happy personality, Merle, Mini twenty thirty fivelbs when mature, Spayed or Neutered, Velcro, Energetic, Likes Toys, Social Butterfly, Snuggle Buddy, Small Dog Friendly, Enjoys meeting new dogs, Goofy, Cherry eye, Good with women, Good with men, Low energy, Shy dog, Bonded, Comfy Couch Potato, Cuddle Bug, Gentle Soft mouth, Leash Trained, Mellow, Seeks Affection, Shy but warms up, Good in car, Happier with another dog in home, House trained, Physically playful, Adoption Ready, Good with older considerate children, No shared walls, Brave, Curious, Leash trained, Medium energy, Sociable, Treat motivated, Yard needed, Dog Selective, Experienced Adopters Only, Good on a Leash, Knows Basic Commands, Not Good with Kids, Size Medium thirty to fifty nine lbs, Dignified, Loves kisses, Couch Potato, Loves Snow, Ballerina, Adoption Fee five hundred fifty, Barker, Loving, Snuggly
25 - 38 lbs
10.5 - 12.5 inches
Life Span
12 - 14 years
Breed Group
Bred For
Cattle droving
Estimated Costs
Veterinary Care
Food & Nutrition
- Premium Dry Kibble
Every 8-12 weeks
Other Expenses
Cost Information Sources:
- American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) annual reports
- Leading pet insurance providers' data analysis
- AKC breed-specific care guidelines and recommendations
- Professional breeder and veterinarian consultations
Note: Costs may vary based on location, specific healthcare needs, and individual circumstances.