Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Affectionate, Intelligent, Quiet, Dominant, Happy, Protective, Affectionate, Spayed Neutered, Cat Passed Test, Friendly, Playful, Smart, Loyal, Funny, Available for Transfer Texas, Housetrained, Good with Dogs, Good with Kids, Athletic, Gentle, Quiet, Brave, Curious, Dignified, Loves, Protective, Potty Trained, Dogs Possibly, Independent, Perfect Size, Active and Playful, Adventure Pup, Confident, Goofy Big Personality, Enjoys Walks, Smart Enjoys Training, Crate Trained, Living in Foster Home, Non destructive in Home, Good with Cats, Food motivated, Timid, Foster NEEDED, Has Training, High Energy Activity Level, Intelligent, Plays with Toys, Yard Required, Couch, Single Dog Home, Loves Kisses, Loves kisses, Couch potato, Ehrlichia Positive, Energy Moderate, Experience Moderate, Good on a Leash, Loves to Cuddle, Loves Toys, Size Large sixty to ninety nine lbs, Couch Potato, Housebroken, Know the breed, Local only
55 - 80 lbs
21 - 26 inches
Life Span
10 - 13 years
Breed Group
Bred For
Water Retriever
Estimated Costs
Veterinary Care
Food & Nutrition
- Premium Dry Kibble
- Large Breed Formula
Every 4-6 weeks
Other Expenses
Cost Information Sources:
- American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) annual reports
- Leading pet insurance providers' data analysis
- AKC breed-specific care guidelines and recommendations
- Professional breeder and veterinarian consultations
Note: Costs may vary based on location, specific healthcare needs, and individual circumstances.