Italian Greyhound
Mischievous, Affectionate, Agile, Athletic, Companionable, Intelligent, Affectionate, Funny, Friendly, Playful, Loves, Loyal, Curious, Bonded, Gentle, Smart, Couch, Dignified, Quiet, Athletic, Independent, Loves Toys, Brave, Snuggly, Apartment Appropriate, Crate Trained, Good with Dogs, Good with Kids, Good with kids under eight, Housetrained, Good with Cats, Protective, A Sweet And Gentle Soul, Cuddly, Timid, Shy, Exuberant Energy, Loves To Bark At Squirrels, Loves Leash Walks, Cat Friendly, Low Energy And Walk And Potty Well On A Leas, Good With Other Dogs, Good With Cats, Available As A Pair With Sister Gretta, Loves Cuddles, Belly Rubs, Happy, Good On A Leash, Sleeps In Dog Bed, Reliable Potty Manners, Loves Kisses, Sweet Loving Playful
7 - 15 lbs
13 - 15 inches
Life Span
12 - 15 years
Breed Group
Bred For
Estimated Costs
Veterinary Care
Food & Nutrition
- Premium Dry Kibble
- Small Breed Formula
Every 8-12 weeks
Other Expenses
Cost Information Sources:
- American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) annual reports
- Leading pet insurance providers' data analysis
- AKC breed-specific care guidelines and recommendations
- Professional breeder and veterinarian consultations
Note: Costs may vary based on location, specific healthcare needs, and individual circumstances.