Lively Dog Breeds
Discover everything about Lively dog breeds. This comprehensive guide covers 20 different breeds that are known for being lively. Learn about their characteristics, temperament, and care requirements to find the perfect companion for your lifestyle.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Lively dog breeds?
Lively dog breeds include Appenzeller Sennenhund, Basset Bleu de Gascogne, Bearded Collie, and others. These breeds are known for discover everything about lively dog breeds. this comprehensive guide covers 20 different breeds that are known for being lively. learn about their characteristics, temperament, and care requirements to find the perfect companion for your lifestyle.
What characteristics do Lively dogs share?
Lively dogs typically share traits like Reliable, Fearless, Energetic, Lively, Self-assured. They are often chosen for Herding livestock, pulling carts, and guarding the farm.
Are Lively dogs good family pets?
Many Lively dogs can make excellent family pets, though individual breeds may vary in their needs and temperament. It's important to research specific breeds to find the best match for your family.
How do I choose the right Lively dog breed?
When choosing a Lively dog breed, consider factors like size, energy level, grooming needs, and compatibility with your lifestyle. Research individual breeds and consult with reputable breeders or veterinarians.

Appenzeller Sennenhund
Reliable, Fearless, Energetic, Lively, Self-assured

Basset Bleu de Gascogne
Affectionate, Lively, Agile, Curious, Happy, Active

Bearded Collie
Self-confidence, Hardy, Lively, Alert, Intelligent, Active, Affectionate, Athletic, Curious, Friendly, Funny, Loves, Loyal, Playful, Protective, Smart, Listens To Commands, Gentle, Quiet

Boston Terrier
Friendly, Lively, Intelligent, Affectionate, Athletic, Curious, Friendly, Funny, Playful, Smart, Couch, Gentle, Loves, Loyal, Brave, Quiet, Food Motivated, Submissive, Dignified, Couch potato, Loves kisses, Loves Kisses, Couch Potato, Cuddly, Kisser, Puppy, Spay and Neuter Disclaimer for Puppies Fee, Independent, Dreamy, Loves Treats, Adorable, Unaltered puppy, Precious, Protective, Kid Friendly

Chinese Crested
Affectionate, Sweet-Tempered, Lively, Alert, Playful, Happy

Coton de Tulear
Affectionate, Lively, Playful, Intelligent, Trainable, Vocal, Affectionate, Funny, Playful, Curious, Loves, Friendly, Adult Only Home Preferred, Energy Low, Experience Moderate, Good with Dogs, Okay in Apartment or Condo, Shy or Timid, Size Small fifteen to twenty nine lbs, Gentle, Quiet, Loyal, Smart

French Bulldog
Playful, Affectionate, Keen, Sociable, Lively, Alert, Easygoing, Patient, Athletic, Bright, Affectionate, Funny, Playful, Friendly, Curious, Brave, Smart, Couch, Gentle, Loves, Available for Foster, Good with Dogs, Breed Experience Preferred, Eager to Please, Family Friendly, House trained, Athletic, Independent, Dignified, Loyal, Claremont Adoption Center, Crate Trained, Apartment Appropriate, Good for Vet Care, Food motivated, Loves People, Playful Goofy, Cuddle Bug, High jumper climber, Mellow Laid Back, Possibly Cat Friendly, Velcro Dog, Kid Friendly, Dog Friendly, Quiet, Cat Friendly, Comfy Couch Potato, Not Good with Dogs, Not Good with Cats

German Pinscher
Spirited, Lively, Intelligent, Loving, Even Tempered, Familial, Playful, Affectionate, Curious, Friendly, Funny, Loves, Gentle, Loyal, Smart, Cat Passed Test, Foster Location Central Minnesota, Good With All Dogs, Kid Friendly, Minnesota Foster Home, Spayed Neutered, Quiet, Independent, Athletic, Brave, Couch, Calm, Dignified, Bold, Intelligent, Sweet, Reliable, Silly, Confident, Cheerful, Adventurous, Goofy, Loving, Joyful, Loves Kisses, Protective, Loves kisses, loving, playful, sweet

Irish Setter
Affectionate, Energetic, Lively, Independent, Playful, Companionable, Affectionate, Friendly, Gentle, Loves, Playful, Athletic, Couch, Funny, Curious, Smart, Brave, Independent, Loyal, Quiet, SWEET LOVING PLAYFUL AFFECTIONATE LOVE HER TREAT, Protective, Dignified, Loves kisses, Loving

Irish Terrier
Respectful, Lively, Intelligent, Dominant, Protective, Trainable, Affectionate, Curious, Friendly, Playful, Quiet, Gentle, Funny, Brave, Loves, Loyal, Chewy Loves Attention, High Energy, Smart, Athletic, Loves Kisses, Independent, Couch potato, Loves kisses

Lhasa Apso
Steady, Fearless, Friendly, Devoted, Assertive, Spirited, Energetic, Lively, Alert, Obedient, Playful, Intelligent, Experience with Kids, I love to play, Social Butterfly, I love treats, I love toys, I love plushie toys, Cuddle Bug, Smart, Playful, Happy, Fun, Friendly, Chino Hills Adoption Center, Apartment Appropriate, Good with Dogs, Gentle, Quiet, Couch, Loyal, Brave, Dignified, Loves, Independent, Please Read Entire Description, Claremont Adoption Center, Affectionate, Curious, Funny, Snuggles, Pee Pad Trained, Leash Trained, Sweetheart, Great With Other Friendly Dogs, Good With Cats, Lap Dog, Silly Playful, Available for Foster, Athletic, Companion, Loves Kisses, Gentle and Friendly, Active Dog, Cold Sensitive, Eager to Please, Heat Sensitive, Intelligent, Likes Cats, Likes Kids, Likes Other Dogs, Requires a yard, Suitable for Apartment Living, Medical Coord Adopter Consult Required, Medical Basic Vetting Completed, Potty trained

Playful, Docile, Fearless, Affectionate, Sweet-Tempered, Lively, Responsive, Easygoing, Gentle, Intelligent, Active, Affectionate, Curious, Loyal, Playful, Friendly, Funny, Smart, Gentle, Couch, Loves, Protective, Quiet, Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Brave, Athletic, Independent, Prefers To Have All Paws On The Floor, Needs Training, Dignified, Sweet, Small, Adorable, Good With Other Dogs, Pee Pad Trained, Little Cutie, Snuggles, Shy

Lively, Reserved, Intelligent, Active, Protective, Vocal

Rat Terrier
Affectionate, Lively, Inquisitive, Alert, Intelligent, Loving, Affectionate, Couch, Curious, Dignified, Playful, Loyal, Loves, Gentle, Funny, Friendly, Quiet, Smart, Athletic, Sweet, Happy, Social, Fun, Independent, Cookie Monster, Brave, Protective, Couch potato, Loves Kisses, Loves Food, Cuddle Bug, Dog Friendly, Sporty, Crate Trained, Loves Attention

Saint Bernard
Friendly, Lively, Gentle, Watchful, Calm, Affectionate, Playful, Loyal, Loves, Friendly, Gentle, Dog Friendly, Not Cat Friendly, Kid Friendly, Curious, Funny, Quiet, Independent, Brave, Athletic, Smart, Gentle Giant, Good with Dogs, Shy, Low Energy, Single Dog Home, Very Kissy, Dignified, Couch, Medium Energy, Spayed Neutered, Shy At First But Fast To Make Friends, Good with Kids

Stubborn, Friendly, Sociable, Lively, Alert, Playful, Affectionate, Athletic, Brave, Curious, Playful, Loves, Gentle, Funny, Friendly, Protective, Quiet, Smart, Loyal, Love Food, Very Sweet, Loves Children, Tolerate Small Dogs, No Cats, Independent, Spayed Neutered, Microchiped, Housetrained, Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Adult Only Home Preferred, Up To Date On Shots, Couch, Good with Kids, Couch potato, Loves kisses, Snuggly, Snuggle, Cuddles, Teddy Bear, Kisses, Dignified, cheerful, active, Cuddly, Anxious, Strong, Energetic, Barky

Shetland Sheepdog
Affectionate, Lively, Responsive, Alert, Loyal, Reserved, Playful, Gentle, Intelligent, Active, Trainable, Strong

Shih Tzu
Clever, Spunky, Outgoing, Friendly, Affectionate, Lively, Alert, Loyal, Independent, Playful, Gentle, Intelligent, Happy, Active, Courageous, Gentle and Friendly, Playful, Affectionate, Curious, Loyal, Athletic, Friendly, Loves, Funny, Brave, Couch, Gentle, Independent, Quiet, Smart, House trained, Rescue Needed, Heartworm Negative, No Small Children, Joyful, Good with Kids, Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Housetrained, Good with kids under eight, Apartment Appropriate, Crate Trained, Active and Playful, Adventure Pup, Enjoys Walks, Living in Foster Home, Dignified, Adoption Fee five hundred, Current on Vaccines, Spayed Neutered, Goofy, Likes Treats, Not Good with Cats, Medical adoption

Standard Schnauzer
Trainable, Good-natured, Devoted, Lively, Playful, Intelligent, Affectionate, Athletic, Curious, Friendly, Funny, Independent, Loves, Playful, Smart, Heartworm Positive, Dog Selective, Gentle, Loyal, Active, Available for Foster, Cuddle Bug, Eager to Please, Dog savvy Children ten positive, Food Motivated, Good in car, Good with Dogs, Not Good with Cats, Quick learner, Seeks Affection, Silly Playful, Leash Trained, House trained, Hiker, Mellow, Knows commands, Calm, Cat Friendly, Dog Friendly, Shy, Quiet, Couch potato, Lazy

Friendly, Affectionate, Lively, Gentle, Intelligent, Quiet, Affectionate, Curious, Friendly, Funny, Playful, Gentle, Loves, Loyal, Quiet, Athletic, Smart, Brave, Dignified, Couch, Dog Social Friendly, Eligible for Foster to Adopt, I am located at THE KEAAU SHELTER, Crate trained, Good with Dogs, Good with Kids, Housetrained, Best with kids sixyrs positive, Best with older kids, Good with Cats, Has lived with cats, Has lived with dogs, Happy Go Lucky, Knows some basic obedience, Housebroken in previous home, Laid back, Lovebug, Loves to Cuddle, Loves to play, Super Sweet, No Cats, Good with Other Dogs, Loves People And Playing, Adventurous, Loves Affection, Loves Food And Play, Bonded, Door Dasher, House Broken Unknown, Possible Escape Artist, Sweet, Loving, Ready For Her Forever Home, Snuggly, Loves Treats