Hound Dog Breeds
Discover everything about Hound dog breeds. This comprehensive guide covers 22 different breeds that are known for being hound. Learn about their characteristics, temperament, and care requirements to find the perfect companion for your lifestyle.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Hound dog breeds?
Hound dog breeds include Afghan Hound, American Foxhound, Azawakh, and others. These breeds are known for discover everything about hound dog breeds. this comprehensive guide covers 22 different breeds that are known for being hound. learn about their characteristics, temperament, and care requirements to find the perfect companion for your lifestyle.
What characteristics do Hound dogs share?
Hound dogs typically share traits like Aloof, Clownish, Dignified, Independent, Happy, Affectionate, Athletic, Couch, Friendly, Funny, Gentle, Independent, Loves, Playful, Smart. They are often chosen for Coursing and hunting.
Are Hound dogs good family pets?
Many Hound dogs can make excellent family pets, though individual breeds may vary in their needs and temperament. It's important to research specific breeds to find the best match for your family.
How do I choose the right Hound dog breed?
When choosing a Hound dog breed, consider factors like size, energy level, grooming needs, and compatibility with your lifestyle. Research individual breeds and consult with reputable breeders or veterinarians.

Afghan Hound
Aloof, Clownish, Dignified, Independent, Happy, Affectionate, Athletic, Couch, Friendly, Funny, Gentle, Independent, Loves, Playful, Smart
Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan

American Foxhound
Kind, Sweet-Tempered, Loyal, Independent, Intelligent, Loving, Affectionate, Brave, Curious, Gentle, Funny, Friendly, Loves, Loyal, Playful, Smart, Cuddles, Couch, Protective, Shy, Athletic, Dignified, Independent, Quiet, Scratches Behind His Ears, HappyGoLucky, Happy Goirl, Shy And Timid, Sweet, Shy At First, ONE HUNDRED PERCENT HAM, Adorable, Silly Goober, Loves Toys

Aloof, Affectionate, Attentive, Rugged, Fierce, Refined

Affectionate, Energetic, Alert, Curious, Playful, Intelligent, Affectionate, Playful, Curious, Friendly, Loves, Athletic, Snuggle Bug, Happy, Couch, Funny, Gentle, Loyal, Quiet, Smart, Brave, Independent, Protective, Calm, Good with Dogs, Good with Kids, Housetrained, Good with Men Women, Available for Transfer Texas, Good With All Dogs, Loves Kisses, Sweet, Very Attentive, Dignified

Basset Bleu de Gascogne
Affectionate, Lively, Agile, Curious, Happy, Active

Basset Hound
Tenacious, Friendly, Affectionate, Devoted, Sweet-Tempered, Gentle, Funny, Friendly, Playful, Affectionate, Athletic, Loves, Curious, Loyal, Brave, Independent, Protective, Active, Dog Friendly, Crate Trained, Good with Cats, Good with Dogs, Good with Kids, Couch, Smart, Quiet, Gentle, Dignified, Lived with dogs, Meet and Greet Recommended, Heartworm Treatment Needed, Loves to Cuddle, Energy Low, Size Medium thirty to fifty nine lbs, Cat Tolerant, Sweet With Kids, Loves Belly Rubs And Couch Cuddles, Companion Dog, LOVES Food, Loves kisses, Couch Potato

Amiable, Even Tempered, Excitable, Determined, Gentle, Intelligent, Independent, Curious, Couch, Chill, Funny, Affectionate, Friendly, Brave, Gentle, Loves, Playful, Quiet, Smart, Loyal, Dignified, Good with Dogs, No shared walls, Requires fenced yard, Timid Shy, Good with Cats, Rides well in car, Housetrained, Walks on a leash, Good with Kids, Crate trained, Athletic, Cat Friendly, Loves Kids

Black and Tan Coonhound
Easygoing, Gentle, Adaptable, Trusting, Even Tempered, Lovable, Affectionate, Athletic, Couch, Curious, Dignified, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Loves, Loyal, Playful, Smart, Funny, Brave, Good with Dogs, Good with Kids, Past Altercation With Cat, No Cats, Escape Artist, Cuddly, Sweet, Loves Toys, Quiet, Available to Foster, FOCUS Free Adoption, Playgroup Particpant, Spayed Neutered, In A Foster Home, Kennel Trained, House Trained, Walks On A Leash, Good With Children, Good With Cats, Good With Dogs, Very Loving, Calm

Stubborn, Affectionate, Gentle, Even Tempered, Affectionate, Curious, Friendly, Funny, Loves, Sweet, Obedient, Respectful, Lady, Protective, Athletic, Playful, Independent, Loyal, Smart, Gentle, Loves Friends, Loves Toys, Early Bird Ready, Couch, Quiet, Energy level medium, Good on the leash, Good with Cats, Good with Dogs, Goofy, Likes toys, Snuggler, Saved from E List, Wiggly, Loves Walks, Loves Dogs, Crate Trained, Good with Kids, House Trained, Best Friend, Brave, Dignified, Loves To Talk, Previous caregiver reports this dog is best in a home without children, Couch potato, Loves Food, Sleepn In, Loves Kisses, Loves kisses, Cuddly, Couch Potato, LAID BACK, Vocal

Bluetick Coonhound
Friendly, Intelligent, Active, Affectionate, Friendly, Curious, Couch, Loyal, Gentle, Quiet, Playful, Loves, Funny, Smart, Cat Curious, Dog Selective, Diamond in the Ruff, Crate Trained, Good with Dogs, Good with Kids, Housetrained, Independent, Athletic, Brave, Eager To Please, Adult Only Home Preferred, Single Dog Home, Petcation Approved, Dignified, Shy Lil Lady, Sweet Soul, Full Of Joy Loving His New Life Off A Chain, Protective, Likes Treats, Knows Commands, Good with Cats

Affectionate, Athletic, Gentle, Intelligent, Quiet, Even Tempered, Athletic, Friendly, Playful, Smart, Gentle, Affectionate, Loyal, Quiet, Dignified, Brave, Curious, Funny, Independent, Loves, Protective, Loves Fetch, Loves Walks, Sweet, Big Personality, Couch, Loves Toys, Loves Attention, Good Manners, Prefers moderate exercise, Stairs Yes, Never Been Out Of The Shelter, Good with Kids, Loving, Not Spayed Neutered, Puppy Vaccination Series, Good with Cats, Good with Dogs, Not Housetrained, Plays with Toys, Yard Required, Foster NEEDED, Moderate Energy Activity Level, Rides well in Car, Obedient, Housetrained, Crate Trained, Cats Unknown, Housebroken, Kennel Trained, Special Needs, Intelligent, Inquisitive, Good With Dogs, Good With Cats, Good With Children And Adults, Calm, Loves To Engage With You, No Cats

Outgoing, Friendly, Cheerful, Sweet-Tempered, Tolerant, Active, Affectionate, Athletic, Friendly, Loves, Curious, Playful, Dignified, Brave, Funny, Gentle, Independent, Loyal, Protective, Quiet, Smart, Loves Kisses

Irish Wolfhound
Sweet-Tempered, Loyal, Dignified, Patient, Thoughtful, Generous, DtwoD Required, Unknown with Cats, Affectionate, Curious, Playful, Friendly, Funny, Gentle, Smart, Quiet, Loves, Athletic, Brave, Dignified, Loyal, Good with Cats, Good with Dogs, Adult Only Home Preferred, Independent

Pharaoh Hound
Affectionate, Sociable, Playful, Intelligent, Active, Trainable, Energy High, Loves Toys, Loves to Cuddle, Knows Basic Commands, Protective of Food, Toy Possessive, Adult Only Home Preferred, Breed Experience Required, Dog Selective, Experience Moderate, Good on a Leash, Size Medium thirty to fifty nine lbs, Athletic, Friendly, Playful, Affectionate, Funny, Smart, Loves, Quiet, Loyal, Dignified, Brave, Gentle, Curious, Good in the car, Good with Kids eight and older, Independent, Couch potato, Loves Kisses, Dog Friendly, Crate Trained, Good with Cats, Good with Dogs, Housetrained, Loves kisses, Protective, Great Expressions, So cute, An Adorable Redhead

Bold, Alert, Loyal, Intelligent

Redbone Coonhound
Affectionate, Energetic, Independent, Companionable, Familial, Unflappable, Stray in Custody, Friendly, Curious, Athletic, Smart, Affectionate, Playful, Couch, Loyal, Loves, Gentle, Quiet, Early Bird Ready, Independent, Funny, Brave, Dignified, Protective, Good with Dogs, Heartworm positive, Housetrained, Loves Treats, Goofy, Good with Cats, Eager To Please, Entertaining, Energy Moderate, Experience None, Good on a Leash, Dog Friendly, Loves Toys, Adult Only Home Preferred, Needs fenced yard

Rhodesian Ridgeback
Strong Willed, Mischievous, Loyal, Dignified, Sensitive, Intelligent, Affectionate, Couch, Friendly, Smart, Independent, Playful, Talkative, Athletic, Curious, Dignified, Funny, Loyal, Loves, Gentle, Brave, Protective, Single Dog Home, Adult Only Home Preferred, Gold, Couch potato, Loves Kisses, Quiet, Loves kisses, Dog Friendly, Sweet

Aloof, Reserved, Intelligent, Quiet, Affectionate, Athletic, Brave, Friendly, Funny, Smart, Loyal, Playful, Couch, Dignified, Gentle, Quiet, Loves, Curious, Independent, Couch potato, Loves Kisses, Protective, shy

Scottish Deerhound
Docile, Friendly, Dignified, Gentle

Thai Ridgeback
Protective, Loyal, Independent, Intelligent, Loving, Familial, Loyal, Smart, Athletic, Curious, Friendly, Gentle, Loves, Quiet, Playful, Protective, Independent, Funny, Couch, Dignified, Brave, Affectionate, Dog Friendly, Loves kisses

Treeing Walker Coonhound
Clever, Affectionate, Confident, Intelligent, Loving, Trainable, Dignified, Friendly, Loyal, Brave, Loves, Affectionate, Gentle, Playful, Athletic, Curious, Funny, Independent, Quiet, Smart, Heartworm Negative, Loving, Dog Friendly, Great Family Dog, Sweet, Entertaining, Calm, Friendly with people, Good w other dog friendly dogs, Leash trained, Loves belly rubs, Loves the pool, Low energy level, Loves the water, Medium energy level

Friendly, Affectionate, Lively, Gentle, Intelligent, Quiet, Affectionate, Curious, Friendly, Funny, Playful, Gentle, Loves, Loyal, Quiet, Athletic, Smart, Brave, Dignified, Couch, Dog Social Friendly, Eligible for Foster to Adopt, I am located at THE KEAAU SHELTER, Crate trained, Good with Dogs, Good with Kids, Housetrained, Best with kids sixyrs positive, Best with older kids, Good with Cats, Has lived with cats, Has lived with dogs, Happy Go Lucky, Knows some basic obedience, Housebroken in previous home, Laid back, Lovebug, Loves to Cuddle, Loves to play, Super Sweet, No Cats, Good with Other Dogs, Loves People And Playing, Adventurous, Loves Affection, Loves Food And Play, Bonded, Door Dasher, House Broken Unknown, Possible Escape Artist, Sweet, Loving, Ready For Her Forever Home, Snuggly, Loves Treats